Tuesday, February 12, 2013

As It Is Outside, So It Is Inside

Am I like oil to water or bubble gum to hair? Right now I feel like the former but with help from Spirit and Mighty Companions I Trust I can feel like the latter! :) The point is that right now not only do I not 'know' how to Join but I am actually fearful of it. This fear is actually a defense of the ego to keep from relying on Spirit to remember how to Join. After all, the whole foundation of the ego's thought system is the belief that the separation from God is a reality. Therefore Joining is the most direct path to opening to the idea that the separation never really happened.

The main thing I try to keep in awareness is that the Joining in Truth is only with Spirit/God. I have found it very easy to think that the joining is with other people (i.e. bodies). This is very important to the ego because if I believe that I am trying to join with other bodies then I must believe that 'I' am a body. This cascades into falling into the trap of projecting my inner beliefs outward to bodies and perceiving the source as coming from 'others'. When that happens then it is very easy to let the roles and concepts of the ego obscure the source of the 'gap'.

For example, when I perceive one 'body' as a stranger and another 'body' as my wife then according to the ego there are different ways of treating those bodies. More importantly the deceptive thoughts are that I should interpret how those bodies speak to me, act towards me, and think of me with different meaning or value. After all I should value those things coming from my wife much more than from a stranger, right?

This is an attempt of the ego to guarantee that I will not perceive equality of those outside of myself. If I don't perceive equality outside, then I can never perceive equality inside. It follows that if I think one person outside is better or worse than another outside, then it must be true that I am better or worse than anyone 'else'. The ones outside that I value the most (like my wife) are the ones that will reflect my inner beliefs with the most intensity. When I give in to the thoughts that I should hate my(s)elf for what I've done to God, then I will see that hatred reflected back in varying degrees depending on the value I have assigned to the one mirroring back to me.

If I can remember that any upset (such as hate) that I perceive coming 'from' others is really coming from inside, then I can ask for help from Spirit. The help is to correct the perception that I have of my(s)elf. If I can Trust it is True that God does not feel that way about 'me', then I can lay down my sword and let the perceived gap between God and 'I' be washed away. When that happens, I Trust that the perceived gap between 'me' and 'others' will be washed away. I think then I can give the perception over to the Spirit and 'see' complete equality that everyOne (including 'me') deserves nothing but Love! My prayer is:

Please help me to see that my perception comes from inner beliefs.

Please help me to remember that there is another way of 'seeing'.

Please help me to lay down my sword so that I may extend only Love.

Amen! Love, Mimzy ♥

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