End of Week 1: Every Day Is A Miracle!
April 12, 2010: It's kind of weird to think that I have been here for a week already! :) In fact, time has become so foreign to me. I usually don't know the date, the day, or the time. The cool thing is that I don't pay attention to this anymore. I trust that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing at exactly the right time. I don't tell myself that I have to go to bed at a certain time or that I have to get 8 hours of sleep to feel good. Interestingly, when I do get up and glance at the clock it is always around the same time no matter what time I go to bed! :) The best part is that I have less and less egoic thoughts about waking up. Things like "I have to get up by (insert time here) or they'll think I'm a slacker" or "Am I supposed to be somewhere or doing something at a particular time that I need to get up?" Now I allow myself to get up when I feel the urge to get up. I don't feel in as much of a rush to get ready and start doing stuff. I take my time and just recognize if/when I start to put pressure on myself. This awareness rather than suppression of thoughts makes all the difference in the world! :)
The ego cannot be undone by ignoring it. Only by becoming aware of the ego and examining it's thought structure can it truly be released. In this release, there is then empty space that with practice can start to be filled with the thoughts of the Mind of God. The Holy Spirit which is the Voice for God speaks to ALL of us all of the time. It is usually drowned out by the thoughts of the ego because the Holy Spirit will never attack or force itself upon us but it will always answer when asked. As said before, the answer may not be one we like when viewed from the perspective of the ego but it is always what is best for everyone. This process is the main focus that I have been learning during my time here. The best part is that anything we do can be used for this purpose. It doesn't have to be just projects but can be done with music and movies which are two interests that I have always enjoyed.
In fact, yesterday (I think) I was moved to get up and listen to some music. One song that I really enjoyed but hadn't listened to in awhile was 'Where Is the Love?' by The Black Eyed Peas. As I was listening to this song, I became more aware of the lyrics than I ever had before now. It is very interesting how a change in perspective can make such a difference. It's as though the Holy Spirit is speaking to me through everything now. This is true of conversations as well as music, movies, or anything really.
Some of the words are: "...but if you only have love for your own race/then you only leave space to discriminate/and to discriminate only generates hate/and when you hate then you're bound to get irate...yeah, madness is what you demonstrate/and that's exactly how anger works and operates/man you gotta have Love just to set it straight/take control of your mind and meditate/let your Soul gravitate to the Love y'all"! Whoa! I've heard those words before and always felt they were Truthful but now I have such a different perspective. It is true madness to let the ego run the show! I now choose to let my Soul gravitate to the Love! :)
Also, from the chorus: "...Can you practice what you preach?/and won't you turn the other cheek?/Father, Father, Father help us/send some Guidance from above/cause people got me, got me questioning Where is the Love?..." These words have whole new meaning for me now. I was too angry to even contemplate the idea of turning the other cheek. And I never truly practiced what I preached about equality. Guidance? What was that? Now I cherish the Guidance and have gotten better at Trusting it.
Even more lines: "...not respecting each other/denying thy brother/a war is goin' on but the reason is undercover/the Truth is kept secret/it's swept under the rug/if you never know Truth, then you never know Love/..."! This is a perfect example of the war going on in our minds. The ego is battling to remain in control but would keep that a secret from us so that we never can expose it for the madness and denial of the Truth that it is! :) Fortunately, the Holy Spirit never left us and will always be there to listen to when we are ready!
And more: "...whatever happened to the values of humanity?/whatever happened to the fairness and equality?/instead of spreading Love we're spreading animosity/lack of understanding leading us away from Unity..." and "...One Love, One Love/we only got/One Love, One Love...". The is only One Mind and only One Love! :) The differences are seen by the ego to separate while the Mind of God only knows Oneness which includes One Love! :)
I tell you that I have never danced or sang like I did while listening to that song over and over! I didn't care who saw me because I couldn't deny the Truth anymore. I was walking/dancing down the road and I felt totally Loved and totally safe! There was no need to put up a defense when enveloped by that kind of Love! :) This was just one song! I saw 'Seven Days in Tibet', 'The Celestine Prophecy', 'Brother Sun, Sister Moon', and 'Revolver' and each movie was exactly what I needed to see to hear the Truth from the Holy Spirit. In fact, 'Revolver' and 'Brother Sun, Sister Moon' are two of my new favorite movies! :) Thank you God! :)
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